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Topics - RexTheRunt

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iCam Support / Logitech Quickcam pro 4000 on mac - not working
« on: February 09, 2012, 09:03:22 AM »
Hi there

I've seen a few posts about people struggling to get the Logitech Quickcam pro 4000 working on PC.  I'm on a mac and have tried two different operating systems without success.

On iMac with OS X 10.7 my built-in camera works, but the Quickcam doesn't.  I've tried installing Macam component to get the camera to operate, and it worked for a while, but the image was totally blurred.

On a Powerbook PPC I cannot get the ICam Source application to start while the camera is plugged in.  The app crashes before the preference pane appears.  This is the operating system I'd prefer to use with this camera (not the iMac).  The app will start if no USB camera is plugged in.

The camera works perfectly with the Logitech software suite, but you can't run any other applications while that's running. 

I'd appreciate any help!

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