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Topics - new2icam

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Motion not Detected
« on: October 08, 2011, 12:02:36 PM »
I hope someone can help me out. I'm new to iCam.  It works great on both 3g and local Wifi.  I'm running iCamSource beta on an old Macbook Pro Core Duo running Leopard.  I'm connecting use iCam on an old iPhone 3g running iOS 3.1.3. 

Notifications are enabled for the iPhone as well as the iCam app.
iCamSource preferences indicate "Connected to Server", which it obviously is since I get video just fine.

iCamSource has both Send Notifications and Record Motion checked.

Not matter what I do the little Motion light never turns green.  Naturally I never get a notification on the iPhone either.  Any hints / tips / help would be greatly appreciated.


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