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Messages - rottoruss

Pages: [1]
iCam Support / Re: iCamSource.exe has stopped working...
« on: October 25, 2010, 06:57:27 AM »
Hey Twink, thanks for the info.. I'll experiment and try to find a work around

Might try the new USB over power cams and see what happens.

Would be good if iCam did sound for the IP cameras.. May solve a few issues.

iCam Support / Re: iCamSource.exe has stopped working...
« on: October 24, 2010, 05:31:28 PM »
Hi there, having a similar problem but the problem can cause a blue screen on the pc and is shut down - manual reboot is essential.

Tracked it down to a cam with a long USB active lead connected to one of the cams in iCam.

Looks like iCam can only handle USB leads up to 10m without causing a iCam crash and a complete fatal system crash.

Unfortunatley I have to use Jumicam to view the cam with a long active lead which is 20m to the front door cam.

Question is - If Jumicam can work flawlessly with the longer USB lead, any chance of making iCam work so I don't have to use 2 programs to view all cams?

I’ve test all types of scenarios now and it appears that auto start has nothing to do with the issue nor is there two instances of iCamsource running.
The only thing that interferes with the successful operation of the program is the password..
After iCam stops or if it doesn't start after a PC reboot - to make it work again every time, you only need to re - input just one of the passwords and all cams work again immediately again after pressing start and refresh iPhone.

Hey Jay,

I have sent the registry files to support..

Hope it helps..

Thank Jay,

Every time the computer re-starts or the modem re-starts and iCam is on autostart the message on the iPhone / iPad is "Source Connection Error" One or more of the iCamSources returned by the iCam Broker Server.......

There is a 50% chance that if I re-start the iCam program the iPhone will find the cams (sometimes not all), otherwise I need to restart and re-enter the password and that ensures 100% success that everything works..

When I'm away it becomes useless as I cannot be there to re-start the program or re-enter passwords - if by chance only one cam comes up and I re-fresh too many times it brings up the iCam Broker Servrice message and then I know no further cams can be viewed till I get home and re-start the program again.

Could there be a fix or is it just my issue?

Having a similar problem.. everytime iCam won't connect I have to go in and retype the username and password it it works immediately - is this some kind of bug?

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