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Messages - MsValerie

Pages: [1]
I think I've got things sorted at home, just switched off the auto-config and everything is working okay.  :)

At work, everything is still crashing so here is my set-up.

Two office computers - both Dell running XP and Vista

Webcams connected to each computer - Logitech C160m (they are working fine)

Wireless cams - Airlink 747W (crashes icam when they are connected)

The iphone is connected through 3G when I get the connection errors.  When I come into the office in the morning the icam source has crashed.

I have clearwire towers that connect through LinkSys VoIP boxes for both internet and phones that then connect to the router.

Router - Belkin N+ F5D8235-4 (changed the router a few weeks ago)

select auto-config at work and I get the UPnP Dual NAT exp_ip:

I think that covers everything  ;D

If in doubt hit reset  ;D 

altho, if I choose auto-config router I still get the UPnP Dual NAT exp :

one airlink is now working but the other one is still not connecting, connection error

Starting to make some sense but I don't have 2 routers however I just switched routers, could this be causing the problem?

How do you put it into Bridge Mode?

Modem is Clearwire tower for both internet and phone. 

I also used an ethernet switch so I could plug more cables into the router, could this be causing the problem?

Hello  :)

Having some issues with my connection to my Airlink cameras.  Laptop cameras are working fine but my wireless cameras are having some problems that only started this past week.

I am running Airlink 747W cameras
Belkin N+ Router F5D8235-4

For my home camera, when I choose to auto-config the router I get a message in red UPnP Success 12000-> 12000

For my office cameras, I get the message UPnP Dual NAT exp_ip:

I lose connection on both my office cameras

On my home camera I just for the message "Cannot find JPEG data. Your network IP camera may not be supported.  Click help ..... "

What's going on?  :(

Now remember,  not techno savvy, I need everything spelled out to me as EASY as possible  ;D

As someone who doesn't work for iCam but uses their services I would say iCam is one of the best options you could ever use for home security.

At this very moment I am sitting in my office and I am watching 2 cameras at my house.  The webcam in my house covers my living room where I can see my dogs doing their thing while I'm not there.  I have an Airlink 747W camera outside which covers my patio and back garden.  I LOVE iCam, LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE  ;D

My dog had taken serioulsy ill one day while I was at work, I caught it on my phone and rushed home to take care of him. 

I have 2 webcams in my office and again the Airlink 747W pointing outside into the parking lot.  From home, I've caught colleagues coming into my office who should not be there, given them a call on their cellphone and scared the beejezus outta them, love that. 

The motion detection means I do not have to watch it like a hawk 24/7. 

For me, iCam and the iPhone are fabulous.  If you get the system I do not think you will be disappointed.

MsV :)

Network / IP Camera Compatibility / Re: Swann Wireless Cameras
« on: June 10, 2010, 08:11:47 PM »
Bought the AirLink camera, took 5 minutes to run through the setup, linked it to iCam  ;D FABULOUS - no glare, perfect picture, excellent sound

thank you, thank you, thank you  ;D

Network / IP Camera Compatibility / Re: Swann Wireless Cameras
« on: May 12, 2010, 01:16:59 PM »
Hello, me again  ;D

I'm looking to purchase the Linksys WVC80N Wireless-N Camera that you have suggested.  My only issue is that the camera is going to be inside the office looking outside and I am wondering if there is going to be a glare issue with the window.  Please let me know if you are aware of any such issue and maybe an alternative suggesting where the issue may not occur.

Again, thanks for your help.


Network / IP Camera Compatibility / Re: Swann Wireless Cameras
« on: May 06, 2010, 12:45:02 PM »

I am going to purchase those cameras right now. 

Can't thank you and your team and everyone involved with Icam enough on how much this system is giving a great feeling of peace.


Network / IP Camera Compatibility / Swann Wireless Cameras
« on: May 03, 2010, 07:44:18 PM »
I have webcams running iCam in my home and in my office, one word people AWESOME.  ;D 

So easy to install, someone like me (not technologically gifted) had absolutely no problem.  Everytime I have a customer in the office I check out what phone they have and if its an iPhone I make sure they know about iCam.

Sadly, my office has been having some issues with vandalism and I'm looking to set up a surveillance camera outside. 

I have Swann NightHawk Wireless Color Cameras (SW-P-WOC2) at home and they work great for what I need them to do.

My question is, can I use them with iCam?  If not, what do you recommend.

Thank you.

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