Support > Beta Testing

Request for new feature

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I got asked alot if it's possible to take a picture with a emulator, the answer was no, no and again no.
Emulators are starting to get popular, now that it makes it possible to run popular apps like WhatsApp on the PC.
Everybody has settled down with the answer that there won't be a camera for Android SDK or Youwave.

Than it hit me, all we need is a app like iCam. But it has to be able to take a snapshot (pic) or record (vid) to the SD CARD of the phone. Till so far nothing comes closer than iCam, it only needs a snapshot and recording feature. It might boost the profits by hitting a new target audience, the emulators.

My video has hit 20.000 viewers in the last month and still increasing
Just a hint

SKJM Support:
Thank you for your post.

The option to record directly to the SD card/phone has been requested in the past and is currently on our list of potential features to implement in the future.

Pitch to zoom, would be ideal!!

SKJM Support:
Did you mean pinch to zoom? If so, pinch to zoom has been requested in the past and is currently on our list of potential features to implement in the future.

I would really like to see the icamsource for pc turned into a service that doens't require a "user" to run, this would allow it work at computer startup and not login.  Additionally, would love it if you could turn camera on and off remotely, basically start and stop the recording/watching part remotely. 


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