Support > iCam Support

icam source stopped working

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I downloaded the application yesterday and it worked fine. You have done a great job. Today it will not work. It will either hang with a black screen or tell me that the program has encountered a problem and has to close. I downloaded the new non beta version and installed and the same is happening. I am running windows XP. Would appreciate help.

jdominicis - Have you tried rebooting the computer, and trying to plug your webcam directly into your computer instead of into a USB hub if it isn't already? You can also try connecting your webcam to a different USB port on your computer to see if that has any affect.

Are you sure that the iCamSource isn't already running, and you're not trying to connect to the same camera more than once? Rebooting your computer should remove any doubt in that respect.

Thank you for the response. I am sorry I did not mention that I had rebooted. I will try a different USB. I don't have a USB hub. I will let you know if anything happens.

Well, before I did anything else, I launched the application again and sorprise! It is working now. Thanks for the help.



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