Author Topic: Does Linksys WVC80N need port forwarding with icam and iphone?  (Read 6910 times)


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Does Linksys WVC80N need port forwarding with icam and iphone?


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Re: Does Linksys WVC80N need port forwarding with icam and iphone?
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2010, 05:25:17 PM »
It depends on the network(s) that you're on and how they communicate with each other. Complex networks have a harder time routing everything correctly. If, once you get icamsource setup on your computer correctly, you can view the video from both your home network and from the 3g network, then you probably don't need port forwarding. If you have more than one camera, there's a good chance (at least based on my experience) that you will possibly need port forwarding.


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Re: Does Linksys WVC80N need port forwarding with icam and iphone?
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2010, 10:00:11 PM »
In order you use iCam with the WVC80N, you'll need to run iCamSource on a computer that can access the camera.  You can get iCamSource here:

iCamSource will most likely be running on a computer that is on the same local network as the WVC80N, so you don't need to open any ports for iCamSource to connect to the camera.

When you run iCamSource, you'll need to select the "Ethernet / Wi-Fi" tab because your camera is a network camera, not a USB camera.  Then, enter the MJPEG or JPEG URL for your camera.

If the MJPEG or JPEG URL isn't something that can be found by searching around with Google or by contacting their support, we actually have another solution available, although it is currently in its very preliminary stages, and that is:

When you enter the camera's IP address and port into that web page, it will attempt to connect to the camera using all of the common MJPEG and JPEG URLs that we are aware of. If any of the URLs produce an image, then that is the URL to use in iCamSource. 

If your camera requires a login and password, you can enter them in that webpage right before the address :  login:password@Camera_address

Once iCamSource is running and displaying video from your camera, you can try connecting from iCam on the iPhone.  In most cases, it will connect without needing to do any port forwarding, but there are exceptions where the firewall piercing logic in iCam doesn't work.  If you see the Source Connection Error when attempting to connect from 3G, but not from the local Wi-Fi network, that may indicate that you need to use port forwarding.

There's more information about using port forwarding with iCamSource here: