Author Topic: Issue resolved  (Read 4131 times)


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Issue resolved
« on: September 01, 2016, 07:50:15 PM »
Issue was resolved
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 06:13:42 PM by bradbutner »


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Re: My family just got hacked.
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2016, 08:19:39 PM »
First let me say I am very sorry to hear that this happened to you and your family. I can't imagine having to explain what happened to my children if I were in your shoes.

That being said, I must also redirect your focus, because iCam could not have been the cause of the hack in this case. It must instead the iZon cameras themselves. After some quick Googling, it looks like there are a number of posts about the poor security of the iZon cameras:

iCam does not support talking back through IP cameras, so it must be that the hackers connected directly to the cameras themselves, without any involvement of iCam or the iCamSource.

If you are talking with law enforcement I would suggest directing them to the articles linked above detailing the issues with the iZon cameras.

If you have any questions that we can help with, please let us know!

We have iZon cams as well... but our family just got hacked with our iCam.  All of a sudden, we watched the camera move around, heard vulgar comments coming through it, etc.  The icam app has been great but when you have 5 and 9 year old daughters hearing the crap they heard... it's a horrible, horrible app.  I've been 100% on board up until tonight.  Going forward, I'm disabling this iCam stuff altogether.  For the record, our wireless password has the following characters... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.  And our world just got changed.  No possible way a hacker could've guessed our password.  There's a backdoor way for hackers via iCam. As a dad, I'm pissed that I ever trusted them.  I'm working with a local policeman as we speak to determine what course of action I can take.


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Re: My family just got hacked.
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2016, 10:42:23 PM »
I haven't been active on here in a long while, mainly because there's not much activity. iCam has been rock-steady for years now, and there's a wealth of information in here regarding setup, etc. With that being said, I'd just like to throw my educated support to SKJM/iCam. bradbutner purchased a camera and put in his home without educating himself to the weaknesses of said cameras. There have been numerous articles in the news regarding MAJOR security holes in MANY IP cameras currently on the market AND the URGENT need to update the firmware on said cameras to prevent hacking. bradbutner, you really should educate yourself before slamming someone else. The hackers accessed your camera through your Internet connection (through your provider)...NOT through your Wi-Fi network. You obviously have some ports open between the Internet and your cameras...essentially an open door between the hackers and your cameras. With WELL-KNOWN exploits, taking control of your camera was child's play. Your ignorance in configuring your home network and failure to update your camera's firmware is what resulted in your camera getting hacked. Sorry, but the blame here is yours. With more and more devices connecting to the Internet these days, it would be a good idea to take a class or two so you at least understand the basics of how networking works so you can (hopefully) prevent situations like this in the future...and at the end of the day, remember that any connected device is ultimately hackable if someone has the desire and resources.

Technology Teacher in Texas


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Re: My family just got hacked.
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2017, 12:40:03 AM »
We have iZon cams as well... but our family just got Noocube and got hacked with our iCam.  All of a sudden, we watched the camera move around, heard vulgar comments coming through it, etc.  The icam app has been great but when you have 5 and 9 year old daughters hearing the crap they heard... it's a horrible, horrible app.  I've been 100% on board up until tonight.  Going forward, I'm disabling this iCam stuff altogether.  For the record, our wireless password has the following characters... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.  And our world just got changed.  No possible way a hacker could've guessed our password.  There's a backdoor way for hackers via iCam. As a dad, I'm pissed that I ever trusted them.  I'm working with a local policeman as we speak to determine what course of action I can take.

Sounds like a scary experience. I hope you find the guy. I'm glad this hasn't happened to me as I thought these cams were pretty secure.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 05:38:21 AM by Skyfish »