Support > iSpy Support

ProvisionISR snapshot URL - nothing works... :(


I have 4 IP cameras of ProvisionISR (models below) - they work just fine on iSpy using "rtsp://[usr]:[pwd]@[IP]:[Port]/profile1" on ffmpeg. It is the only thing defined on the source config screen, but nevertheless, both video and snapshots are working 100%.

What I'm missing is the snapshot url in order to get access from my home automation server. I can use the rtsp url to access video but no matter which snapshot url I'm using, I'm getting:
<faultstring>HTTP Error: 404 Not Found</faultstring>

I've tried the jpeg options on iSpy cameras database: https:// www. ispyconnect. com/ man.aspx?n=Provision to no avail.

I tried Fiddler but didn't see anything while using iSpy and when using the camera's internal web server, could see the "POST /GetAlarmStatus HTTP/1.1" and "POST /DoLogin HTTP/1.1" but nothing related to snapshot once clicking the snapshot button on the web interface. Now that doesn't make any sense apart from some lack of knowledge of how to set it from my side...

Any help will be much appreciated!

The models I have are:
I3-390IP536, I3-390IPSVF and I1-390IPS36


This is the support forum for our iSpy Cameras mobile app:

It sounds like you are using a different, similarly-named app.


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