Support > ipCam Support

Disable autolock ipcam

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Need option to disable autolock in apcam.
Phone autolock even I select never option.
It is iphone 3G

SKJM Support:
Thank you for your post.

ipCam does already automatically disables autolock.

In That case there is a bug. I have iphone 3G and I set it to  autolock option to never.

When I run ipcam,  it autolock.

When I run icam it does not autolock.

Therefore there is nothing wrong with my settings since icam  disables autolock properly.

I do not see ipcam disables autolock.

SKJM Support:
How long does it take for it to auto-lock? What version of iOS are you running on the device?

We've recently tested on a newly restored iPhone 3G running iOS 4.2.1 and ipCam does not allow the phone to auto-lock.

Actualy I found out it is a different issue.
Somehow IPCAM crashed after 3-4 hours, since it is  no longer running phone autolock.

I believing it is crashing when there is no  wi-fi acces, when phone close to router, it does not crachs run hours with no issue.

When phone away from router and probably signal is weak,  it crashed after coupld of hours.


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