Author Topic: Troubleshooting 103 - Port Forwarding  (Read 250096 times)


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Re: Troubleshooting 103 - Port Forwarding
« Reply #135 on: March 08, 2013, 02:37:09 PM »
Ya know, I have tried and done everything you have suggested and it still does not work.  Forwarded this and forwarded that.  Add ports etc.  This is crazy that it is this hard to get to work when it worked on the original program.  I updated and guess what.   It does not work.   Im done!!!!!

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Re: Troubleshooting 103 - Port Forwarding
« Reply #136 on: March 08, 2013, 09:28:11 PM »
I apologize for your frustrations. If you would like to continue troubleshooting and you already have port forwarding configured on your router, I would like to try and confirm that your port forwarding is functioning as we expect it to. If you visit this link in your computer's web browser:

... it will open a webpage that contains a Java Applet in it (similar to iCamWeb) that will be able to listen on port 12001 for a UDP packet to be sent from a server on the Internet to your computer.

If your port forwarding is functioning correctly then you should see a message saying that the port is "open." If it is not functioning correctly, it should say that it is blocked.

Also, please send a screenshot of your router's port forwarding configuration, so we can verify the settings, to Please reference this post and your username in the email.


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Re: Troubleshooting 103 - Port Forwarding
« Reply #137 on: October 11, 2013, 06:24:16 AM »
Been using this app and program for quite a while with no problems, until recently that is. Did the auto-configure thing, it worked for a few months but not quite as stable as before getting a lot of source connection errors. Now it just seems like I can never get it to work, occasionally it does pick it up if I am lucky enough. Like once out of 100 tries.

I followed the port forwarding guide, did the registry thing and checked the port range, forwarded the ports, set up a static IP (which I really don't get since i don't have to put the IP anywhere in the phone), & updated the iCam source.

I first ran the PFPortChecker, I was getting my IP address, ping result was not able to ping my router  but the port check result would be open open. (Ran the and it would not work)

Then i ran the again a few hours later and it said open but the PFPortChecker ping would b bad and same for the port check result would not open. (iCam would not work on 4G either.)

Now im getting a error binding to udp port 12000 on the

At this point quickly losing patience and hope, ive read many posts and tried many different things. I dont understand how it went from fully working to absolutely not working ever, with out any configuration changes. do i need to buy proxy to make this work now? if so please let me know instead of misleading people.

EDIT** Upon playing with some of the settings even more, I put my IP address back to dynamic with the PF program. Now I am getting an open port 12000 on the and on the PFPortChecker i am now getting and open port as well, I am still having issues with the ping results saying "we are not able to ping your router"

Some extra details my routers upnp is enabled and on the iCamSource next to auto-config router I have the UPnP may not be Enabled message.

Iphone 5s, 4G LTE, Router WRT160N v2, any suggestions? I really rely on this program for many purposes, i really need a fix.

Thank you very much in advanced. If additional information is needed, i will be glad to elaborate.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 08:42:43 PM by Camilo »

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Re: Troubleshooting 103 - Port Forwarding
« Reply #138 on: October 11, 2013, 10:58:49 PM »
If you could go to from the computer running the iCamSource and send your external IP address to so we can attempt to look it up in the Broker Server logs and hopefully troubleshoot the problem. Also, please reference this forum post and your user name in your email.


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Re: Troubleshooting 103 - Port Forwarding
« Reply #139 on: January 21, 2017, 08:15:27 PM »

In earlier versions of iCamsource it was possible to add two fields to define the port forwarding range via the terminal with this command:

defaults write com.skjm.icamsource PortRangeSet -bool true

If I try that with 2.8.5 on Sierra there are no fields added to define the port range.  :(

How can I enable the two fields to define the port range?



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Re: Troubleshooting 103 - Port Forwarding
« Reply #140 on: January 22, 2017, 01:23:57 PM »
Are you running the iCamSource or the iCamSource Pro? (That command is for the non-Pro iCamSource.)

If you are running the iCamSource, have you tried restarting your Mac after running the command in the terminal window? Sometimes manual changes to the settings do not take effect until after the computer is restarted.


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Re: Troubleshooting 103 - Port Forwarding
« Reply #141 on: December 20, 2020, 09:02:53 PM »
To use port forwarding, you will need to both enable port forwarding in the iCamSource and setup a port forwarding range in your router.
If you are running Windows, you will need to set an iCamSource registry key:
1. Download the following REG file to your computer. 
2. Restart the iCamSource. You should now see a checkbox allowing you to enable Port Forwarding. Check it, and you should see the range 12000 to 12100 by default.

Trouble out of the gate getting port forwarding to work.

I download the reg file and merged it into the registry.
I stopped and restarted the iCamSource program but still I see no "Port Forwarding checkbox" under any tab in the iCam interface.

I also have "Notifications" checked, but I didn't see anywhere to enter an email or TXT number to send notifications to.
