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iCam Support / Best Feature Request Ever!
« on: July 01, 2011, 01:56:41 PM »
I use ICam all the time. Love it. There's only one thing missing.

First its ridiculous to charge the small amount that u do for your software your should up your prices! You could simply name a new app ICam 2 / or ICam Feature Addon app which would charge for additional features. but not be required, which would in turn add code to the original ICam software that adds features without the user needing to know how it does this. /
You could maybe even implement a feature into original Icam that runs a check if the addon is simply been purchased and installed.  Therefore authorizes ICam original software to make use of additional options.
Just trying to help you out...  Let me know if this helps or if you already have this figured out.

Feature Request:  Since ICam makes use of Push Notifications. 
Would it be possible to add an option to make use of Push notifications sent to your iphone when the software losses connection to the Server?

This is very important because if someone malicious switches off the power to your house! OR your computer dies Or your internet goes down for whatever reason you'll never know!
So if the computer is down and not recording anything it becomes useless. If the internet is down you won't get a push notification either, if someone broke in and turned off the power or destroyed your computer. I understand a Interrupting power supply would resolve some of this but not if only your internet goes down.

Open to suggestions:
Is this possible to implement considering the function of how Push Notifications are sent?
Is there a better way to do this?  8)

Excellent Program I use it all the TIME one more thing!!!  I think only one more thing would make it more fantastic.
That stupid little Bleep that comes up when motion is detected isn't loud enough to wake me up.  Would it be very hard to add a feature to allow you to set CUSTOM Alerts for Each Camera EXAMPLE      when motion is detected on cam 4     "ALERT ALERT BEDROOM CAM 4 HAD MOTION DETECTED!!"     I could for example load this sound as the alert sound that goes off after i create it as a custom Aiff or Wav? or whatever is most convenient to program it for? maybe even use the Ring Tones section for Default Sounds?  Anyone agree with me wouldn't this be great?   Thanks so much for your time SKJM your program is fantastic I bought it and now even my folks have it on their phones too!  thx.

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