Support > iCam Pro Support

iCamSource Pro Audio not working on iMac

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SKJM Support:
Please check the Activity Monitor Utility to see if the original iCamSource program is running while you are trying to run iCamSource Pro. It’s possible that the programs are fighting over accessing the microphone if they’re both running at the same time.

I also have the exact same issue with the same setup. No audio no matter how high the volume is turned up. Works fine with iCamsource. I uninstalled it so it doesn't interfere with the Pro version. Was a solution found?

SKJM Support:
Thank you for your post, and I am sorry that you are having problems.

Please reboot your computer and run this test version of iCamSource Pro to see if it has any effect on the behavior:

You can run the executable from any folder.


They are not both running. I shut down any program which may be competing for the mic access earlier and that didn't resolve it.

The text fix is an .exe binary. I need one for a mac.


SKJM Support:
I apologize for the confusion.

When you are zoomed in and you turn your iPhone’s volume all the way up using the buttons on the side of your phone, does it say "Ringer" under the volume adjustment icon that appears on the iPhone’s screen?

Please make sure the Built-In Mic is selected in your Mac’s System Preferences > Sound > Input settings and that the sound meter in System Preferences shows that the mic is working properly.

Also, Please let me know what options appear in the Audio drop-down menu.


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