Support > iCam Support

Troubleshooting 103 - Port Forwarding

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Are you running the iCamSource or the iCamSource Pro? (That command is for the non-Pro iCamSource.)

If you are running the iCamSource, have you tried restarting your Mac after running the command in the terminal window? Sometimes manual changes to the settings do not take effect until after the computer is restarted.


--- Quote from: Stefan on August 12, 2009, 01:39:33 PM ---To use port forwarding, you will need to both enable port forwarding in the iCamSource and setup a port forwarding range in your router.
If you are running Windows, you will need to set an iCamSource registry key:
1. Download the following REG file to your computer. 
2. Restart the iCamSource. You should now see a checkbox allowing you to enable Port Forwarding. Check it, and you should see the range 12000 to 12100 by default.

--- End quote ---

Trouble out of the gate getting port forwarding to work.

I download the reg file and merged it into the registry.
I stopped and restarted the iCamSource program but still I see no "Port Forwarding checkbox" under any tab in the iCam interface.

I also have "Notifications" checked, but I didn't see anywhere to enter an email or TXT number to send notifications to.



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