Author Topic: UDP work-around  (Read 3349 times)


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UDP work-around
« on: October 11, 2011, 04:33:38 AM »
Hello, I use the iCam application to check on our pet tortoise whilst I'm at Uni over the University's network on my 2nd generation iPod touch, and it works beautifully.

However my girlfriend has recently purchased a 4th generation iPod touch for the same purpose, but she goes to a different University.

Today she returned the 'Your network may be preventing you from making a UDP connection to the iCam Broker Server.'

I have read that this is most likely because the University's network doesn't allow outgoing UDP, however we cannot change the network settings as we can only access the network, not modify it.

Is there any way I can get around this? Is there plans to release a TCP option?

Thank you for your time,


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Re: UDP work-around
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 11:54:27 PM »
The most likely explanation is that the University's network is not allowing the iCam traffic.  University Wi-Fi networks can be very restrictive.  Often, they will only allow web browsing and email. 

One thing you can try is to enable the "Auto-Config Router" option in iCamSource.  That will attempt to use UPnP to open a port in the router so that your computer can communicate with remote networks.  It's most likely that the University network won't allow the Auto-Config Router option to work, but it's worth trying.

Also, please quit or disable all firewall software on the computer running iCamSource (temporarily) to see if iCam starts working.  If it does, we can configure the firewall to work with iCam.