Author Topic: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???  (Read 12707 times)


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We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:14:49 PM »
I have been using iCam almost since it was the day it was released, and have never had an issue with connecting.  Now I am consistently seeing error messages about using a proxy server, and either waiting until one is available in order to connect to my home machine (and that option is free, but so far, unreliable), or I can pay for temporary access to a paid, private proxy, and when that runs out, then pay again.

What happened here? I don't see anything about this on the homepage, iTunes description, or FAQ and this seems to be a major change to the way this software works. People will by buying this software not knowing they will need to continue paying to use it.

Please tell me these connections issues are some kind of growing pains or something and that this will all be worked out.  I wanted to find out what's going on here before submitting a revised review on the App Store...

Thank you for your time.


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 03:53:53 PM »
Thank you for posting on the forum before leaving an App Store review ... This way we can actually respond! :)

First off, here is a general overview of Proxy Support (introduced this past July in iCam 2.3) from our web site:

As for your question, no, nothing has changed in terms of users being able to connect. The "zero-config" connection logic is still in place, and allows the vast majority of users to connect without configuring their firewalls or routers, or having to use Proxy Support.

Proxy Support was added as an option for users who had complex network configurations who would not have been able to connect at all without configuring their routers, firewalls, or other network configurations. If users did not feel comfortable changing their router settings or were connecting from a very restrictive network that they did not have administrative access to, there was no option for them before Proxy Support.

If you were able to connect before but are now being prompted about Proxy Support, then something on your mobile or iCamSource networks may have changed.

Did you previously forward ports in your router? If so then maybe your computer's internal IP address has changed and you need to update the setting in your router.

Or did iCam "just work" without any other configuration? Have you recently changed routers, security software on your computer, or changed the configuration of your iCamSource network? Another possibility is that your mobile network has become more complex due to increased load. (This happened a while back with AT&T:

The bottom line is that no, you do not need to pay for Proxy Support to continue connecting, but if you are unable to connect without it, then there is some additional troubleshooting and configuration that may need to be done.

mr yuk

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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2013, 07:11:07 AM »
The same thing happened with me. Everything "just worked", then I started to get the request to use Public or Private Proxy data. At first this "just worked" too, but recently the Public Proxy support is always "busy". It even occurs when I use iCam on my home network (i.e. the iPhone is upstairs on the same router as the iCam enabled computer downstairs) And there was a perceptible ramp of the "too busy" message from 10% of the time, to 30% of the time, to nearly all of the time.

I'm not certain what country SKJM is located, but in the USA this tactic is called "bait and switch" and is frowned upon. I understand the need to generate more revenue and would be willing to help out if the software offered more features or what-not. It's frustrating now. I'm not even confident if I follow all the instructions to configure my firewalls to avoid a proxy server it will work. So I'm going to look for another solution from a different developer.


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2013, 08:45:21 AM »
SKJM, LLC is based in the US, and I can assure you that the addition of Proxy Support is not a case of "bait and switch".

As stated previously, nothing has changed within iCam to require or favor the use of proxies. If you are now seeing the proxy messages, then on previous versions you would have instead seen only the Source Connection Error, and would have had to further troubleshoot what changed on your local or mobile networks to cause things to stop working. The proxies now additionally allow users the choice of either relying on the Public Proxy availability or to purchase Private Proxy Data instead of troubleshooting their networks.

Public Proxies are other iCam users who have enabled the option in their iCamSource. There are currently between 200 and 300 Public Proxies registered with our servers at any one time. As time goes on, if the number of users connecting through the Public Proxies increases faster than the number of users becoming Public Proxies, then yes, you will see more "busy" messages.


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2013, 05:04:37 AM »
Mine is doing the same thing as others. What has changed for me is IOS7. Mine works fine if I am on my local WIFI (sama as cam), but goes to proxy prompt in 4g. I am using an Ipad. Any suggestions?

Thanks for the great app


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2013, 02:37:04 PM »
Upon closer examination, the IP address for my source changed after I downloaded IOS 7 for my Ipad.  once I changed to the correct address the problem is resolved. 
it had nothing to do with ICAM.  :)


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2014, 02:34:21 PM »
I have read all the posts in this topic. I have been using iCam since it first appeared on the app store for the iPhone. It has worked beautifully. Not anymore. My experience has been the same as those who have posted here. I not longer have, or can achieve a reliable connection. I have a consistent 50+mb internet connection, and LTE on my phone which is normally better than 20mb. I have no changes on my end, my ip is fixed. The product is now totally unreliable. As a test, I tried the dollar for 25 minutes option, and what do you know, the old reliable operation returned. If I shut the proxy off, I can no longer connect at all. There has to be something more than what was answered here. I would appreciate further explanation, and help on making this usable again. I will search the reviews on the app store, and add one myself in hope that someone has found a solution.


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2014, 07:39:52 PM »

Your issue could be caused by something on your end (your router settings, firewall settings, etc) or something on your cell provider's end (their network configuration). Just because you didn't change anything on your end doesn't mean nothing changed. You basically have 3 main choices when setting up iCam:

1) configure icamsource without the "auto router config" box checked (In my experience, this is generally only successful when you have one camera source...and only if the networks between your computer and phone aren't overly complex--something you have little control over.)

2) configure icamsource with the "auto router config" box checked (In my experience, this is the best "easy" option when you have more than one camera source...and you need to have uPNP enabled on your router in order for it to work. It should work when you only have one camera, but I typically found that it wasn't needed for one my particular network setup.)

3) configure icamsource to allow manual port forwarding and set up the port forwarding in the router (In my experience, this is the most rock-solid, stable option...once you fumble through correctly configuring port forwarding in your's a pain in the ass on some routers.)

If you are already using option 2, you should get uPNP error or success messages when you start icamsource. SKJM can help you diagnose the problem if you post the error message(s). Worst case scenario, option 3 should work like a charm for you...once you get it set up properly. Good luck!


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2015, 11:56:03 AM »
I felt compelled to reply to this older post as unfortunately a lot of things outlined here chime strongly with my experience. Myself an i-cam user for many years, multiple computers running it on my home network, it has saved a burglary happening in my workshop and generally been a great companion for more years that I can quote. However these days when i'm away from home and trying to connect it's a dog, at best.  I have VNC viewer on my iphone and can log into any one of my 5 home pc's and clearly see the icam program running - though i'd rather just use Icam on my iphone.

Why can VNC connect to my home network no matter where I am and  i-cam source struggles more than half the time?? Very frustrating as I love(ed) this program. I've little doubt if I purchase some proxy support i'll be back in the loop instantly, but that wasn't necessary before. So to summarise when I'm around the home network (at home) it's fine, but now whenever I go on holiday or away it looks like i'm now obliged to use the proxy service. Though VNC has no problem getting straight into my PC's home network ?

« Last Edit: June 21, 2015, 04:53:30 PM by SeanJ »


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2015, 06:08:19 AM »

I too am a long time user and haven't used Icam away from my home network in quite awhile.
Today I am trying to use it away from my home network and alas I am running into problems.

Same thing ...I can VNC into my computers with no problems, but a Icam is not consistent.
Something has changed.  I keep getting Proxy messages that I NEVER received before??

Let me know if you find anything out or a different reliable program.



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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2015, 08:13:43 AM »
If you were once able to reliably connect with iCam but now are unable to, then something has either changed with the iCamSource's network or computer configuration, or something has changed with the remote network that iCam connects to.

If you have a new home router, if its firmware has been updated, or if security software has been installed or updated on your home computer, then that could affect the connectivity from outside of your local network if the new configuration is more restrictive.

If you have setup port forwarding in the iCamSource and your router, but the internal IP address of your computer has changed, leaving the port forwarding setting in your router incorrect, then that could be the cause of the issue.

If your home router has a separate "Guest" WiFi network that your computer is now connecting to, guest networks are usually much more restrictive when it comes to peer-to-peer communication, so the solution would be to connect your computer to the router's primary WiFi network instead.

If you are connecting remotely via WiFi using iCam, then that network may have added some additional security, causing it to become more restrictive.

If you are connecting remotely via LTE using iCam, then your mobile provider may have changed the networking configuration or security of its network, causing it to become more restrictive.

Connecting to your home computer from outside of your local network can be difficult as there are a number of security mechanisms specifically designed to block incoming connections to your network. That being said, we will be more than happy to help troubleshoot any connectivity problem with you.

Proxy Support is merely an option for users who would do not want to troubleshoot and configure their setup.


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2015, 09:49:31 AM »
Can you offer a IOS version without the proxy support screen.  I keep getting a nag screen.

Also sorry for the ignorance but why is my VNC connection flawless every time?


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2015, 05:54:29 AM »
@stefan - you are indeed right, i had replaced my router - and although I'd allocated a series of dedicated ports for each PC I think my internal ip's may have changed and maybe some other details, anyway it's fine now.

The port forwarding registry patch is great, it's just what i needed running multiple sources/cams - now I can address port ranges in Icam source which is a great bonus, everything seems rock solid with it now, thanks Stefan.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 02:10:12 AM by SeanJ »


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2015, 02:34:27 AM »

Unfortunately mine still has a problem.  I can access the cameras thru the foscam apps while I'm away from my home network, but I still get the would you like to buy private proxy every time. I use the Icam app.

I'm going to have to look and see if I have an older version of icamsource on my pc.  I never had these problems before.

I just don't understand how a foscam app works and a tenvis app also works seeing the cams.  My ports are all set right but iCam doesn't seem to work reliably anymore.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 07:24:26 AM by Pontihog »


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Re: We need to pay extra now for consistent connections???
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2015, 04:38:49 AM »
@Pontihog - i'm no expert but things just got a whole lot better by using the registry file that gives icam source it's port ranges visible in the program. Have you got that installed? and if so turn of 'auto configure' ports and set your ranges and duplicate these in your router port forwarding and that's about all the advice I can give, that little registry update that gave me the port ranges visible was a big help, though I am using icam on 4 seperate PC's. Maybe that could help you with your situation. The proxy support screen is one of the default displays for a non connection so I no longer attribute anything to it more than that now.