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Flash time limit


Is there a way to extend the time the Flash on the iPhone is turned on? As it is now it seems to limit to 30-60 seconds and then turn off. Then I have to click on "turn off" on the webpage to able to "turn on" again.

I have the iPhone connected to an iMac therefore the battery is no problem for me and I would be able to turn on and shut off the Flash manually or be able to set a time limit by myself.

I've now observed that the flash is turning off intermittent. Sometimes after 5-10 seconds and sometimes after a minute. Then I have to  disable/enable the flash again via the webpage.

Any solution on this matter?

We have not been able to reproduce this issue. It may be an issue with your phone specifically? Or perhaps it is getting hot from constantly running and the system is turning it off?

Thanks for you reply.

It's intermittent. Sometime it never turns off and the flash stays on, but that's very rare. Mostly it happen within a minute or two. Tried three different iphones (5, 6S and 6S pluS) and same thing is happening over and over again.


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