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Topics - Alexandre

Pages: [1]

Nous sommes de plus en plus nombreux à utiliser iCam en France et nombreux aussi à ne pas parler anglais  ???.
Aussi est-il très difficile de trouver et de comprendre la bonne réponse à un problème sur ce forum.
Je vous propose donc de consulter ces posts rédigés en français qui pourront vous aider à :

- comprendre comment faire fonctionner iCam et iCam Source (lire les commentaires où les différents soucis sont évoqués et notamment les problèmes liés aux fournisseurs d'accès Internet)
- comprendre comment installer et configurer une caméra IP wifi avec iCam :

Message to Stephan :

Hi Stephan,

I posted this message in order to help your many french customers who are struggling hard in order to understand and solve the different problems they may encounter using iCam, such as those with their Internet & Mobile phone company.
I hope you'll find it relevant and if not, just delete it.
All the best,


iCam Support / Trouble with cam n°3 & suggestions
« on: August 01, 2009, 04:35:10 AM »
Hi guys,

First of all, tahk you and congratulations for the great job you've done !
iCam is definitly one of the best and most usefull app for iPhone.

Nevertheless I have one issue :

First my config :
I'm using iCam in France with Numericable (IT provider)
I have 3 macs running (iMac 24', old iMac 17' and a MacBook 2ghz, all running osX.5.7
Wifi network provided by the Numericable box

I access the 2 webcams from the iMacs, but not from the laptop !!???
But the app seems tu run correctly on my MacBook...

One clue ? The installation runs differently on the laptop : When I installed the app,
it did not open the pref windows, but directly add the iCam button to the top menu.
Plus, even I have checked the box autostart, it doesn't start with the mac, I have to manually start the app.

Any idea ? In advance, thank for your help. (and sorry for my bad english)

Of course, I tryed to uninstall the app, repair autorisations, reinstall... and so on and on... :)

Suggestion : I'm surprised iCam doesn't allow iGlasses to control the Webcam image...
Would be nice to be able to use night vision for instance or to zoom...

One again, Big Up for you guys !

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