Author Topic: Is there a way to have images forwarded to email?  (Read 8607 times)


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Is there a way to have images forwarded to email?
« on: August 02, 2012, 05:01:17 PM »
Icam is great but I use the motion detection feature to capture images but I have noticed that when icam is not running or turned off I no longer have access to those images. Now what good would that be if in the event my laptop got stolen. I would have not images to go back to to see. So I was wondering if there is some kind of software that can take the images and automatically email the new images.

Please let me know anyone. Thanks

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Re: Is there a way to have images forwarded to email?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2012, 11:11:13 PM »
Merlin is correct on your other forum post:;topicseen#new

A number of users use the free DropBox service to automatically mirror the Motion Events recorded by the iCamSource to a remote server in case the computer is turned off or stolen. There is also a free iPhone DropBox application that you can use to view your files away from a computer. -


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Re: Is there a way to have images forwarded to email?
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 06:00:17 PM »
Icam is great but I use the motion detection feature to capture images but I have noticed that when icam is not running or turned off I no longer have access to those images. Now what good would that be if in the event my laptop got stolen. I would have not images to go back to to see. So I was wondering if there is some kind of software that can take the images and automatically email the new images.

Please let me know anyone. Thanks

The Dropbox answer only solves half of your problem. The answer to your question is "it depends." What kind of camera are you asking about?


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Re: Is there a way to have images forwarded to email?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 03:32:09 PM »
Remington, are you referring to his request for e-mailing new images? If the camera is configured with icamsource (and save motion events), and the recording folder in icamsource is changed to the Dropbox folder, then the camera type/model won't matter...the images will be backed up to Dropbox's servers, which you can easily access through their website or mobile app. Just making sure...

Also, Chris, I would only consider the e-mail option if you have a camera or recording software the supports it AND if there is rarely motion detected. I've used the built-in e-mail feature before, and it QUICKLY overwhelmed my e-mail inbox (with quantity of e-mails and file sizes). Plus, as those e-mails are downloaded to your phone, you'll be using a considerable amount of data. Something to consider. Plus, e-mail servers can be slow to accept e-mails with attachments and to actually deliver those e-mails...generally slower than uploading it/downloading it from the "cloud."


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Re: Is there a way to have images forwarded to email?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 10:14:31 PM »
Yes, that is what I am referring to. The punctuation in his post makes it difficult to understand what he really wants.

Dropbox might indeed be the solution for him. However, if he is asking what I think he is, which is how he can continue to get photos if the iCamSource application on his computer is turned off, the email function might prevail.

OP, please enlighten us.


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Re: Is there a way to have images forwarded to email?
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2012, 11:00:09 PM »
Ah, I see what you were thinking Remington. I was just thinking about being able to access motion events captured by icamsource regardless of if the computer is on or not...and you were thinking about continuing to get motion events if the computer is turned off but the cameras remain on. That would definitely require an IP camera...and most of them have an e-mail option built in. My cheap IP cameras have a very high sensitivity (even after adjusting it to the lowest sensitivity), resulting in tons of e-mails. If you have any sort of window/light changes or wind causing things to move, prepare for the onslaught of e-mails.