Support > IP Cam Config Support

Motion Detection Function and I/O of zavio F3115


Hi everyone!
I'm doing the project of camera zavio F3115. I want to control a light device when stranger go to the house, camera will take a snapshot and light up.
who can help me to solve it?

SKJM Support:
We haven't tested with that particular camera, but according to it's specifications ( it does support MJPEG formatted data, so it'll probably work with iCamSource.

When you run iCamSource, you'll need to select the "Ethernet /Wi-Fi" tab because the camera is a network camera, not a USB camera. Then, enter the MJPEG or JPEG URL for your camera.

If the MJPEG or JPEG URL isn't something that can be found by searching around with Google or by contacting their support, we actually have another solution available, although it is currently in its very preliminary stages, and that is:

When you enter the camera's IP address and port into that web page, it will attempt to connect to the camera using all of the common MJPEG and JPEG URLs that we are aware of. If any of the URLs produce an image, then that is the URL to use in iCamSource.

If your camera requires a login and password, you can enter them in that webpage right before the address: login:password@Camera_address


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