iCam Featured on the Today Show, CNN, and Good Morning America!
SJKM (Stefan), I second, third and fourth the need for RTSP and H.264 support. I want to move to HD Cameras as they are getting cheaper, and unfortunately most of the offer MJPEG at lower images, so it really doesnt help. Maybe using the FF libraries as a possibility here?Anyway we can move this feature up the ladder as I LOVE The APP, but this is a must for me moving forward in the coming months!I do support the kitty once in a while, and would be willing to put in $100-200 for this feature.I am sure others might agree here.(?)Thanks!Rob
Stefan, Your support is incredible! I donated once again last night as you guys are great!
I completely understand the issue here. Maybe only support Cams that have the dual stream available? I am up for that. This way as you mentioned you can motion detect on the lower bit rate streams and view only for HD.The last sentence could I get a clarification on?"That doesn't seem like that is the case, however, if users are unable to use the newer h.264 Foscams with the iCamSource and iCam." --Kinda of leaves us hanging...Are you saying that there IS some FOSCAMs H.264 that DO work with iCam now as I was not aware. I'll buy them if they are (hopefully fully PoE)Thanks Again!Rob
We are beginners at streaming and I would appreciate any advice on how to include a RTSP streaming IP camera into our production. Currently we are viewing it on a laptop and then bringing it in via ivga. Is there a way to bring the stream directly into the Tricaster production so we dont have to crop the web based image from the laptop?Frank LeggettTricaster 450 with latest firmware 4h.